Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Broadway & Me on NPR!

Forgive me for tooting my own horn but as a theater lover and a longtime NPR fan, I'm delighted to have been interviewed for the report that ran this morning on whether theater audiences have become ruder.  Click here to listen to what I (and others) told reporter Margot Adler about the growing number of talkers, Tweeters and food eaters who are filling theater seats.


  1. Hurray! Thanks for raising the flag of civility!

  2. But love that you gave a shout out to cultural populism as well. Having said that, nothing says "access" like cheaper seats!

  3. I liked that "cultural populist" thing. I agree with you. I want the quiet, respectful audience, but I am also no snob and I hate elitism and snobbery in theater. I just get steamed that people are unable to give themselves over to the experience -- just 90 minutes without your blasted phone - or shoving something in your mouth. Wow!
